Tuesday, May 18, 2010

i'm all about the hunches right now

the other night bryan and i were hanging out and i was looking for something to listen to that i hadn't played ina while. i saw the hunches ye no shut it lp and was like, hm, this could work. and, of course, it did. i had almost forgotten how much i dig those dudes. i missed out on their last lp, but yes no shut it and hobo sunrise will keep me afloat til i can find a copy of the final one. it occurred to me the other night that the hunches are the band i always want to be in. i don't know if i've heard a better example of music so continually close to falling apart. the songs always regroup and set back out to self destruct.

here's an ITR link:

here's the myspace:

here's a vid of a show at kraftbrau in 2006:

Saturday, February 13, 2010

wounded lion

i keep running across show listings for wounded lion and i'm very bummed that i haven't taken the time to check them out til this morning. new-ish thing including monty buckles from lamps fame, among others who probably do other good shit that i don't know about. regardless, wounded lion is a ton of fun.
they have this vid posted on their myspace:

it is the most distracting video in the best way.

myspace: http://www.myspace.com/wlion

Sunday, January 10, 2010


i was wandering around on myspace this morning and in my travels i saw someone had the ganglians in their top 8 (remember how rad it used to be if you got in someone's top 8?) and i was like, shit i been meaning to listen to these dudes. they came through salt lake in the summer or fall i think and i missed the show because of some, probably dumb, reason. i remember back then wanting to check it out because i had heard good stuff about them. so, this morning i let their whole play list play and its pretty great. they get kinda dark but still manage to make some catchy semi pop music. and it isn't even contrived.

Ganglians from Ray ConcepcioƱ on Vimeo.

here's the myspace: http://www.myspace.com/ganglian
they are from sacramento